Our market experience - HOD VINTAGE

Our market experience

HOD Vintage at the Romantische Markt in Joure: Our Experience with a local market 


Last weekend, we, the team at HOD Vintage, had the pleasure of setting up shop at the Romantische Markt in Joure. As students passionate about vintage clothing, we were thrilled to be part of this charming event, where atmosphere, unique products, and sustainability come together. It was the perfect opportunity for us to not only showcase our collection but also to share our love for vintage fashion and its sustainable impact with a wider audience. 

Vintage Fashion: More Than Just a Trend 
For many visitors, vintage clothing was a new concept—something they may have heard of but hadn’t quite explored. At the market, we had the chance to show people that vintage is more than just a passing trend; it’s a way to blend sustainability with style. That’s exactly what we stand for at HOD Vintage—unique, stylish pieces with a story, all while contributing to a more sustainable world. 
Buzz, Atmosphere, and Feedback 
The market started early, and before we knew it, our booth was buzzing with visitors. People were drawn to our collection, admiring the quality and uniqueness of each item, and we engaged in lots of great conversations about the benefits of vintage clothing. From the craftsmanship to the one-of-a-kind look of each piece, visitors were pleasantly surprised by how well vintage fashion can complement a modern, professional wardrobe—something we were thrilled to hear. 
As the afternoon rolled in, the vibe of the market shifted into a more relaxed, laid-back atmosphere. People began enjoying drinks, and of course, we joined in on the fun—taking a moment to savor a drink and a little liqueur ourselves while continuing to chat with visitors. It was a great way to connect with people in a more casual setting. We received valuable feedback throughout the day, learning which pieces people were most excited about and hearing their ideas for what they’d love to see from us in the future. This feedback is incredibly important to us as we continue to shape HOD Vintage. 
A Wonderful Experience 
By the end of the day, we couldn’t have been happier with how the market went. We introduced so many people to HOD Vintage and the concept of sustainable fashion, all while enjoying the festive, welcoming environment of the market. Not only did it help us gain more visibility, but it also motivated us to keep pushing forward with our mission—making vintage clothing accessible to anyone looking to shop sustainably without compromising on style. 
And, of course, we thoroughly enjoyed soaking in the atmosphere ourselves—sharing drinks and laughs with visitors, and celebrating a successful day. 
A huge thank you to everyone who stopped by and supported us! We’re excited to continue our journey with HOD Vintage, and we can’t wait to see you all again at the next event. 


Stay Stylish, Stay Sustainable! 


Team HOD Vintage 

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